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DAY 97: 4 Day #BTSButter Album Countdown

Writer: Pia CortezPia Cortez

4 Oceans, Hope Spots, #BTSPermissionToDance

On Day 97 of #100daysofBTS to #EndTheClimateCrisis, Saturday, July 17, 2021, we welcome back Stephanie Weiner, #ClimateRealityProject leader, a/k/a Miss W to her 6th grade science students!

On this 4th to last day of our 100 Day Project, we talk about the world’s 4 Oceans, the #30×30 initiatives to preserve 30% of land and oceans by the year 2030, and the #HopeSpot concept created by #MissionBlue and the #SylviaEarleAlliance.

For more Dancing4ClimateJustice videos on Oceans and Ocean Preservation, visit us:

Thank you to #JessicaHathaway for your #NationalFisherman article explaining 30×30 as it relates to fisherman and fisheries, and for reminding us that #EndingTheClimateCrisis is crucial for all people across the political spectrum.

Connection and teamwork are key in taking #ClimateAction, from attending #ClimateRealityProject trainings, to joining a local Chapter, to meeting together with our Members of Congress (sometimes for the first time!) to discuss the importance of federal legislation in the efforts to end the #GlobalClimateCrisis!

Join us and the #BTSARMY to take action to #EndEmissions, #EndRacism, and End the #ClimateCrisis!


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