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DAY 80: BTS RM, Pope Francis, & Arbor Day (식목일)

Writer: Pia CortezPia Cortez

#BTSNotToday, Deforestation, Yellow Dust, & Beef Consumption

Happy Easter and Happy Arbor Day in Korea! On Day 80 of #100daysofBTS to #EndTheClimateCrisis, Sunday, April 4, 2021, we take a look at Pope Francis’ message to the world’s 1.2 Billion Catholics on taking action to end the #GlobalClimateCrisis, the founding of Arbor (Tree Planting) Day in Korea after gaining independence in 1945, and the importance of stopping colonization in order to end the #ClimateCrisis. We visit the #RMForest No. 1 and 2 created by #BTSARMY member @HoneyJoonie94 in the heart of Seoul and discuss how the #YellowDust storms in Korea, #Deforestation, and global beef consumption are all connected to each other and to the climate crisis. Thank you to’s Climate Crisis Index, thank you #BTS for taking a public stance to #EndAntiAsianRacism, and thank you #BlackPinkonClimate for urging action to end the climate crisis!


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