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DAY 69: #BlackPinkonClimate for Int’l Women’s Month

Writer: Pia CortezPia Cortez

Join BTS and Black Pink to Take Action and Speak Up

Happy International Women’s Month! On Monday, March 1, 2021, Day 69 of #100daysofBTS to #EndTheClimateCrisis, we thank #BlackPink for their December 2020 public statement on ending the #GlobalClimateCrisis and for bringing attention to the U.N. #COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland where the 194 signatory nations of the 2015 #ParisAgreement from #COP21 are expected to set concrete goals for ending emissions and keeping global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius of 2015 averages. We also discuss #EducatingWomen and #EducatingGirls as one of the top 5 #ClimateSolutions discussed by @ProjectDrawdown to #EndGlobalWarming. Finally, we share about the March 2021 workshops of @SustainingAllLife and focused on backing girls and women in communities around the world in efforts to heal from sexism and male domination and in ending the #ClimateCrisis. #BTSARMY and #BlackPinkBLINKS, let’s connect, learn, speak out, rock out, and laugh together as we take action to end the #GlobalClimateCrisis – (1) #EndEmissions, (2) #BuildClimateResilience, (3) #EndRacism.


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