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DAY 63: Happy Year of the Metal Ox!

#BTSSaveMe from Mega Storms – starring #BTSJimin

Happy Year of the Metal Ox! On Day 63, Thursday, February 11, 2021 of #100daysofBTS to #EndTheClimateCrisis, we talk about why #GlobalWarming causes Mega Storms, Prof. Hoesung Lee from the #IPCC, why the #ParisClimateAgreement aspires to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius from 2015 averages, and impacts of the #GlobalClimateCrisis on oceans and coastal communities! Hoping to inspire #BTS and the #BTSARMY to continuing speaking out and taking action to end racism and the #GlobalClimateCrisis.

Also, check out Climate Reality Project!

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