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DAY 55: Lessons from Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day

Writer: Pia CortezPia Cortez

The Letter from Birmingham Jail and BTS on connection and caring

On Day 55 of #100daysofBTS to #EndTheClimateCrisis, Monday, January 18, 2021, we celebrate MLK Day in the U.S., a federal holiday recognizing the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his leadership in the 1950s and 1960s in the #NonviolentResistance movement against segregation and racial injustice. As Dr. MLK Jr. said in his #LetterFromBirminghamJail, racism gives a false sense of superiority and inferiority and both degrade the soul and damage the personality. We then revisit #BTSSpringDay from the #NPRMusic #TinyDeskConcert Series to remember the importance of caring, connection, and missing each other in the fight to #EndRacism and to end the #GlobalClimateCrisis for all of humanity.


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