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DAY 28: #BTSON Environmental Justice

Writer: Pia CortezPia Cortez

Sustaining All Life, Greenaction, Climate Reality Project, Project Drawdown

On Saturday, November 21, 2020, Day 28 of #100daysofBTS to #EndTheClimateCrisis, we discuss local climate action and where to donate time, energy, and money toward local #ClimateAction efforts. Shout out to @ClimateRealityBayArea, @SustainingAllLife, @GreenAction4EJ’s campaign to clean up radioactive and toxic waste in San Francisco’s #BayviewHuntersPoint neighborhoods, and @ProjectDrawdown for their work on the local level. Also, the first half of #BTSON through Jungkook’s solo… let’s face our #BTSShadow side and take on the challenges of facing and solving the #GlobalClimateCrisis and continue to find ways to come together!


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